What works wins

Good verse evil is subjective.

The struggle between good and evil is better understood as the battle between what works and what does not work.

Goodness works. Evil does not work.

What does it mean for something to work? It’s so simple, something that works increases the thriving of the human race. For more on what works see: Mission Statement.

What works really works; it can stand on its own. This is the first qualification in declaring something works. Yes, things can work in conjunction with other things, but that is vastly different from being a stand-alone success. E.g.: Does the European model of vast social programs work? No. They need these five things:

  • They must start with a modern economy built from free markets. 

  • They must have a homogenous population. 

  • They must have a sugar daddy that protects them.

  • They must have a sugar daddy that invents and innovates for them.

  • They must be ruthless in keeping the number of takers below a certain level.

So, no, these nordic nations that the "highly educated" (my favorite derogatory slur) use as the model do not work. Without these five conditions, the Western European Eutopian model would crash faster than the average person living the trust fund life without daddy's money. 

Let’s start with big-picture meta stuff; look at things through the lens of money or the economy. Think through these bullets in the context of Fiat vs Sound Money or free markets vs a socialized economy.

  • Goodness works. Evil does not work.

  • Goodness produces results. Evil ends in failure.

  • Goodness delivers. Evil moves the goalposts and declares victory.

  • Goodness has surprisingly positive results. Evil surprises everyone by failing at exactly what it said it would do, then tells you it won.

  • Goodness produces good results and lets you see how it works. Evil lies and hides how everything works.

  • Goodness shows. Evil tells. (Proof of work vs Proof of stake)

  • Goodness is open. Evil is closed.

  • Goodness is simple and pure. Evil is complicated and clouded.

  • Goodness works, and evil doesn't.

Apply these standards to the affairs in the news. Apply these standards to the issues you care about most. Do your pet positions stand on their own? Can they work without a sugar daddy? Do they produce results? Or do they fail upwards with an ever-increasing amount of excuses and mission creep? What were the results of your sacred cows being let out to pasture? Did they survive? 

Take Marxism for example, nothing has been more thoroughly vetted and refuted, yet a major portion of the work seeks this epic failure with all the passion they can muster.

Remember the famous, “In my home, we believe...” sign:

  • No human is illegal? Really? Does that work? Can we let a billion (less than would actually want to come) people in from 3rd world countries? Unrestricted immigration does not work.

  • Black lives matter? Really? Has that proudly and avowedly Marxist organization done anything for black Americans? Does their goal of destroying the nuclear family work? Or do fatherless homes lead in every negative statistic? Ending Racialised Marxism and the Nuclear family does not work.

  • Love is love?.. ok. Green is green. Great. Real deep. What that actually means is we get to transition and chemically castrate your son without your consent. This is not a working solution to the difficulties of childhood.

  • Science is real? What that really means is, we can break every medical precedence, change definitions and silence the opposition while making billions just to deliver a product that does not do the very things it was promised to do, and we will support it because we trust the TV, not the science. This “thescience” clearly did not work.

  • Feminism is for everyone? Please. What a joke. This diatribe does not mean what it used to, and like Marxism, the more this foolishness in its current form is implemented, the more it produces joyless failure. This tragic set of ideas is dying faster every day within pop culture. For now, I'll link some of my thoughts here, but just let its total failure speak for itself.  4th wave feminism doesn't work, and it’s only getting worse. Nevertheless, they persist.

  • Be kind to all? Yeah ok. We know what that really means. Be kind to all that agree with the ruling class's narrative, but be viciously ruthless the more people think differently. Their version of kindness works like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

  • Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere? This is the most ridiculous of all these statements when you look at who is saying it. People who have these signs advocate for the removal of civil rights like NO OTHER GROUP IN HUMAN HISTORY. They call free speech hate speech, they equate gun rights to killing children, they celebrate the end of privacy, and at every single turn, advocate for control over free markets. Furthermore, no group of people breaks the precedence and bounds of our judicial system with more alacrity. This version of justice does not work, this version of justice is the establishment of tyranny.

What works is good. What does not work is not good. Free markets work; they are good. The higher controlled the market is, the less it works. The opposite is evil. 

What is good, works. The struggle is for the masses to embrace this universal and timeless truth. It is as inevitable as gravity. It can only be opposed at a high cost and with great effort and energy. 

Be careful you do not divorce goodness from what works. In such a world, a society can either work or be good but not both. If a society is highly functioning, it will be evil; if it is good, it will be in decay. I say this because there are those who strive for goodness to win over evil that believes that there must be a certain level of sacrificing what works for goodness to be established fully… No. Goodness works. Evil does not. This is Goodness’s most real and distinct advantage, yet I barely hear this mentioned from our intellectual leaders.

Darkness may have every position of power and control over everything that holds attention, but their ways have not, and do not work. They always lead to utter-total-complete-massive failure… always.

We get to choose how everyone finds this out.

  • By destruction through the foolishness of evil, or by enlightenment through the wisdom of goodness.

Why has the world generally been a better place to live century after century... because goodness works, and what works wins. No matter how much power wants to take control, those takers will eventually lose because taking doesn't work, and what doesn't work doesn't win. 

Opinions are cheaper by the dozen, and excuses abound, but results are preeminent. We need to stop making excuses for what does not work, we need to stop thinking we are smarter than reality or that our perception defines existence.

No more excuses, the results are real, and they tell a story. Look, listen, and adapt.

What does not work is an ever-thinning house of cards that might stand less and less pressure, and in the end, it is completely destroyed.

What works just works. And in the end, what works wins.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

A response to the book: “Rise of the Fourth Reich”


A F**KING wake-up call to Goldbugs and Bitcoiners