War is the Goal

This post is part One of the, "What is coming" series. Here are Parts Two and Three. 

History is a war story.

History is one long story of war because War is the Goal. Not a War here, or a War there, but War Everywhere. A 30-Front War.

Peace increases the power and authority of the individual and the family unit. Inversely, war transfers power to the ruling class and away from the true sovereign, we the people.

So, what are the wars really about, and who has been winning them?

While humans have certainly shown their willingness to fight over anything with perceived value, as we peel back the onion, it becomes more and more clear that wars of great consequence are almost exclusively over money. In the past, those who came out on top would take the gold and precious gems from those defeated. Modern wars are not about "taking others’ money in a physical sense because both sides know these shit-tickets do not have any inherent value; these wars are fought for power and control over the monetary system itself. With such power, one can do more stealing than a Conquistador could even dream of.

The adage: History is written by Victors, is all too true, and at this moment in time, there are no greater victors than the central banks and those who have power over them.

Yet it is also true that the victor is not victorious until the vanquished consider themselves so.

We the People make no such consideration.

Let’s take a look at some of the key moments in the Shit-Ticket timeline:

  • 1770-90s: Founders like Thomas Jefferson warn of Central Banking being a greater threat than an army.

  • 1811 - The charter for the First Bank of the United States expires (controlled by international bankers). Congress refuses to renew the charter…. WAR of 1812.

    • England, which is controlled by the same banking class, attempts to bring the US back under its control.

    • The United States’ victory in this war ushers in 100 years of sound money. This is when everything you used every day was invented. Everything. Inventions disrupt and transfer power from the undeserving status quo to those willing to risk and work for something that provides the world more value. Sound money cultures and economies reward such risk-takers. Post sound money in the central banking fiat era, true Zero to One invention get snuffed out by regulation, theft, or even assassination; in such times, these inventors get the Nikola Tessla treatment. Excess capital in sound money economies flows disproportionally to the common man where it is earned. Fiat economies strip-mine excess capital from the middle and working class and enrich the ruling class.

  • Lincoln breaks away from the Bank of England… Assassinated in 1865.

    • Most have learned that the Civil War was not North vs South but Democrat vs Republican. It was also EU Central Banks vs the US. In short, Lincoln printed "greenbacks" directly from the U.S. Treasury, and for the Bank of England, this usurpation sealed his fate. The Democrats, now re-branded as Confederates were funded largely by the central banks of Europe, who saw the civil war as their way to regain the control that eluded them in the War of 1812.

    • The victorious Banking Class has gone to great lengths to scrub Abe’s “greenbacks” from history.

  • James Garfield: Began to campaign against the central banks… Assassinated in 1881.

    • "Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce…the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top." - James Garfield.

  • William McKinley passed the Gold Standard Act of 1900… Assassinated in 1901.

    • McKinley’s Gold Standard Act crushed J.P. Morgan’s “free money” printing. This act was a declaration of war against the central banks’ inflationary ways. McKinely shook the banking class to the core because he started his presidency firmly in their pocket yet had a 180-degree turnaround. After McKinley betrayed the central banks J.P. Morgan and his allies sought to remove control from elected officials. From where I sit, McKinley switching sides shook J.P. Morgan and the central banks to their core; they needed to rethink their game plan; no more Mr. Nice-Guy. From here on out they would seek to create a planet killer, a Death Star: the Federal Reserve.

The Era of the Fallen Sovereign. Enter from stage left the Rothschild-backed Teddy Roosevelt.

  • Certainly, it was a mere coincidence that President McKinlys vice president, was a Central Bank cuck. The history you and I learned in school was written with Fiat money; this history tells us that Teddy was the “Trust Buster.” A deeper look clearly shows that Ted busted what he was told to bust. He waged regulatory war where and when it was best for the central banks. There is no greater example of this than how after being promoted by the central banks Teddy immediately dropped the US lawsuit against the Northern Trust, ushering in the greatest Empire and Dynasty the world has ever seen: The Central Bank Empire, the Fiat Dynasty, which continues to this day, has taken more land, resources, and lives than all others combined.

1912: the death of Sound Moneys’ last hope.

  • In this story, the Rebel Base gets destroyed by the Death Star. Most refuse to ask big questions no matter how alarming the evidence. What if there was a struggle for control over the most money in world history? What if the most important people on one side all died on the same day? What if they all died on the same day on the property of their opposition? What if the evidence got buried over two miles underwater? This, of course, is totally hypothetical, and I am of course, of course, asking for a friend. On April 14 1912 the RMS Titanic was not sunk by British agents who didn’t ensure the deaths of the men standing in the way of the creation of the Federal Reserve: Major Archibald Willingham Butt, John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus. If this life has taught me anything, it is events that massively benefit the ruling class are always, always, a coincidence, and it is wrong even to question their truth in your own head let alone out loud or in public. Remember, “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal.”

1913: The Age of the Shit-Ticket

  • With nothing in the way, the incestuous big-business-big-government sluts, also known as the Democrat party, passed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 by almost a party-line vote. Then came the Great War, the Great Depression, then an even bigger War, rampant inflation, and the largest wealth transfer from bottom to top in the shortest time in world history. Welcome to the world we live in today. This land is no longer “our land;” it is no longer “made for you and me.” They won the game of Monopoly, and we pay higher rent every year in property, income, sales, and every other kind of tax, through inflation and every other monetary manipulation.

    • Everyone sing it now:

      • This land is their land, This land is their land, From California to the New York island, From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters. This land was made for Fiat overlords.

FDR and visions of the USA becoming the USSA to match the United Socialist States of Russia.

  • Let’s all wish the word “fascism” luck; it is vying for the title of top meaningless word against the current heavy-weight champion, “racism.” The un-brainwashed know what fascism is: the unified control of big government and big business. There were two factions within the Allies of WWII. Pro-Freedom and Pro-Socialim. Churchill and Patton led the cause of liberty, FDR the side of control. Eisenhower leaned towards freedom but played the game between the two. FDR, a wanna-be dictator, had Mussolini personly sign his book about the formation and revolutionary struggles of the Fascist Party. FDR wanted the USSR to win WWII more than he wanted the USA to win. Churchill and Patton believed that World War II should end in Moscow, not Berlin. Upon learning that Europe’s ruling class had delivered our nuclear secrets to the USSR, Patton planned a nationwide campaign to promote a march on Moscow and destroy the Kemlins growing iron curtain. This holy mission was cut short when Patton was murdered by the big-gov-big-bank-big-business deep state. Kennedy, King, and Nixon would feel the same sting.

JFK would go toe-to-toe with the deep state… Assassinated in 1963.

  • Lyndon Johnson, orginised crime, and the CIA removed the threat, and the Warren Commission covered it up. With the deep state, the investigation is always the coverup.

Nixon sought to reveal the deep state’s assassination of Kennedy… Blackmailed & Framed in 1974.

  • Nixon loved his political rival JFK and was determined to expose his killers, yet this mission would fall short as Nixon was framed by the same Central Bank lackeys who killed his friend. Nixon’s VP did not become president; the deep state installed an unelected Warren Commission cuck.

Trump… love him or hate him, is feared by the establishment like few others in history.

  • He is hated because he shines a light on the shadowed usurpations of our betters. Once exposed, their bullshit can not be unseen. The deep state got soft, lazy, and complacent and Trump came out of nowhere, inspiring the people to overwhelm their rigged system. People are ONLY changing their minds in one direction, away from their centralized control. This one-sided flow of energy will lead to what always happens when a declining power collides with a rising power: War. The real Thucydides Trap isn’t a rising China vs a declining USA, but the People rising vs the declining Global Ruling Class. The declining power, left with no means of persuasion outside of violence is left with two choices: bow out or supernova, and like every exposed cult, they will burn it all down before relinquishing control.

If you hear anything, hear this: there isn’t a single thing the ruling class won’t do in order to stop the People from winning in 2024. Absolutely everything is on the table. Turning off the internet, the lights, a nuclear war, a World War, an invasion, a pandemic. Make Ready.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The 4 Stages of Understanding


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