It is up for discussion. Because if you can’t talk about it, it owns you. There are no exceptions.

You’re going to get offended. You’re welcome. That’s the good stuff. It’s the only way to get anywhere. For a guide to help you get offended faster: Click here.

Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

I am a progressive liberal

I am not what those words have become, stagnant authoritarian. We must all awaken from the upside-down where we allow the banner of liberal to fly over that which is specifically, intimately, and in great detail, it’s total opposite. 

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Only Capitalism is Democratic

Capitalism is democratic. Every dollar you spend is a vote for how you would like the world to be in the future. Every minute of attention is also a vote you cast towards this future. Enough votes can do anything.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams


Showing an ID to vote is not racist. It isn't suppression. To think so is heartbreakingly foolish.

Fully auditing a highly contested, auditable election is thee only right thing to do.

Holding our rigged two-tier justice system to account is foundational.

Standing in the face of medical and tech tyranny is the moral high ground.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Suppression is dehumanization 

The robbing of our fundamental human right to make a decision based upon ALL the information is an attempt to enslave the mind. 

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

W**** Supremacy

The civil rights and self-determination of the ever greatest minority parlously cling to the edge of our increasingly weighted scales of justice.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

The Free Exchange of Information

Unless you intentionally rigorously and specifically fully seek out the other side you are believing a lie.

Not maybe believing a lie. Not likely believing a lie. 100% certainly believing a lie.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Jan 6th, Israel & Double Standards

Here is the problem: The people telling us that it is reasonable for Hamas to shoot thousands of rockets at civilians because of a political disagreement are the same people telling us that a few hour riot in their workplace on January 6th over a political disagreement is a 9/11 or December 7th level event and therefore deserves a 9/11 & December 7th level response. 

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Dare to ask BIG questions

Speaking truth to power looks like something. It looks like asking big questions. The tip of the spear is always a big question. Real leadership always asks the big questions.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Jan 6th Prisoners

The most armed political party in world history attempted an insurrection without weapons... You are a fool if you believe this. BTW people don’t bring their moms to insurrections.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Dear RINOs

If you have a rogue judge legislating from the bench, IGNORE IT! If your superintendent is unconstitutionally forcing masking, send your sheriff to ARREST HIM/HER!

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

From the front

While our intelligenctsia may eloquently discuss the facts, that is not leadership. Leaders wisely use what is seen on the surface to draw conclusions.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Seek Disruption

We must allow volatility, embrace chaos, pursue disruption.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

More about the Samuel S. Adams blog

If, in our addiction to comfort, we refuse to wrestle with words, we will eventually be dragged to war. We can not escape truth’s victory: it comes by word, it comes by blood. We get to choose between the two.

There are no other options. So speak up.

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