It is up for discussion. Because if you can’t talk about it, it owns you. There are no exceptions.

You’re going to get offended. You’re welcome. That’s the good stuff. It’s the only way to get anywhere. For a guide to help you get offended faster: Click here.

Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Islam is a Government, Not a Religion.

Islam is the root of the problem. This has always been the case. Islam is not a religion, and certainly not a religion of peace. It is a death cult dedicated to brutal, tyrannical, and expansionist government. Nothing has been more in our faces over the past 50 years, yet our leaders are dancing around this most obvious truth.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Racist Corporate Culture: Quotas vs Competence

There is no escaping it. Corporate culture is racist. Most fortune 500 companies have skin color quotas. This is an established matter of record, it’s blatantly racist, and nobody cares.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

War is the Goal

What is coming: Part 1

Without the chaos of war, the ruling elite would have to earn their keep.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Big Picture Bitcoin

Bitcoin is money: the scarce, decentralized and validated means of market exchange. It isn’t the expanding and centralized chuckey cheese Shit-Tickets.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Bill of Rights re-written

The enumeration of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

A response to mass shootings

Our commitment to those who have been slane should be a rebirth of the vigilance that burst forth at Concord and Lexington.

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