It is up for discussion. Because if you can’t talk about it, it owns you. There are no exceptions.

You’re going to get offended. You’re welcome. That’s the good stuff. It’s the only way to get anywhere. For a guide to help you get offended faster: Click here.

Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

First things First

Healthy debates are fun, and also an important part of any civilized progressing society. When in such a discourse people often fall into the trap of trying to nudge a person here or provide facts and evidence there, cite this or that source to prove this or that point to move the needle here or there. While that’s all fine and dandy, it’s for the plebes.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Love is Revenge

Love deals in truth and therefore destruction. Truth destroys everything that isn’t itself. Evil is not true. Loving your enemy destroys what they are doing exactly where what they are doing is evil.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

End Game: 2024

Bureaucracy vs The People: Our Generation’s Axis vs Allies.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

I don’t really care about politics

“I don’t really pay attention or care about politics.” Good! That’s how big and powerful government should be. Vote that way. Don’t vote to have a huge Tiger in your house that you do not take care of or pay attention to. That would be exceedingly unwise and would only end in one way, with you being devoured. And remember, the most important thing is the most obvious thing no one will say. SHOUT THAT! That is the very thing that the world needs most.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Trump is still the man for the job. Here’s why.

To you useful idiots:

This isn’t a fucking game. You are inconsequential mush and you’re fixing to get splattered all over the pages of history. Are you willing to die for your petty addiction to control? Because we are willing to die to keep you from it. This is not a threat, in fact, it’s quite the opposite, we are the only ones trying to cut the strings you dance to, and help pop your handler’s titty out of your mouth. Oh, you will learn… soon… enlightenment is coming one way or the other, it’s going to come bottle-fed or belt-fed… and we are the ones doing the work that this renaissance might come by back pats and naps and not brrrrrrrrrrr. Your fucking welcome… we accept Venmo.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Right Rising

The right is going to take over everything. It has already happened. It can not be stopped. We are simply waiting to see how it plays out.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams

Bureaucracy vs The People: our generation’s Axis vs Allies.

Government exists by the consent of the governed. Our ruling class jails us for every made-up rule and regulation some bureaucrat comes up with. It’s high time we hold them to the charter of our founding, our constitution. They are playing a Game of Thrones, but unlike Westeros, there isn’t a throne in Washington. They have come to sit upon the throne in the house of the sovereign American citizen.

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Samuel S. Adams Samuel S. Adams


Our addiction to seeming sensible creates more laws than Congress.

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